Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Aquarius (Aqr)  ·  Contains:  Helix Nebula  ·  NGC 7293
Helix Nebula (2021 data), Dominik Weinbrenner
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Helix Nebula (2021 data)

Helix Nebula (2021 data), Dominik Weinbrenner
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Helix Nebula (2021 data)



Acquisition details



Digging though the vault, I found old data of the Helix from 2021.
Due to its low elevation, data suffered from bad atmospheric distortion in the stars that I could not really fix back then. With today's possibilities, I gave it another shot.

The seeing was atrocious at the time, guiding and sharpness suffered a great deal. I tried to gain back as much as possible by drizzling and using deconvolution.
I refrained from pushing the data to the absolute limit to reveal more of the external halos, as it did't feel like the right thing to do with the bad data quality.

The palette came out quite nice though, using a synthetic green channel calucalted from the DNB data.
